Connect with the local community
The Office of Community Engagement is the central point of contact for community engagement and service-learning programs across campus. The office provides BC students and faculty with opportunities to get connected to the local community through volunteer work, service-learning projects and internships.

The Office:
- Serves as a resource for students and faculty who are interested in community-based projects
- Provides resources for faculty on teaching service-learning courses
- Provides opportunities for community-based partnerships

As a BC student, the Office will provide opportunities for you to:
- Apply what you are learning in the classroom out in the community
- Be an intern with the Center for a semester
- Join the Community Engagement Advisory Board

Why volunteer
- It connects you with the opportunity to explore and live out your civic responsibilities and enhance your values and beliefs.
- You can provide valuable human resources to local non‑profit organizations, as well as building your network for future jobs.
- You can strengthen your skills in communication, collaboration and leadership, which are essential in today’s job market.
- Volunteering helps all of us become better citizens, who are connected to our communities and productive in our careers.
BC students have volunteered with organizations including:
- Blue Ridge Area Food Bank
- Bridgewater Retirement Community
- Cat’s Cradle
- Explore More Discovery Museum (Harrisonburg children’s museum)
- The Free Clinic
- Sentara RMH Medical Center
- United Way of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County
- VPM (Virginia public media, including NPR and PBS stations)
- The Wildlife Center of Virginia

Questions? Contact us!
Benjamin Erickson
Director of Community Engagement
540-828-5773 |