Group of students sitting a circle on the grass playing music together

Life at Bridgewater

The power of connections

College is more than going to class and taking tests. It’s an experience. And at Bridgewater, we take that experience to another level. We’ll help you connect to classmates and professors, clubs and organizations, internships and mentors. And through our close community, you’ll quickly see that life at Bridgewater is life-changing.

College is more than going to class and taking tests. It’s an experience. At Bridgewater, we take that experience to another level. We’ll help you connect to classmates and professors, clubs and organizations, internships and mentors. Through our close community, you’ll quickly see that life at Bridgewater is life-changing.
Group of student covered in colorful powder during Holi event

Student Engagement

College is more than classes and group study sessions. Experiences outside the classroom are an important part of your education. Join a club or group that matches your interests. Or venture beyond your comfort zone.

clubs & organizations
Get involved
intramural sports
volleyball, basketball and more
events each year
Connect with your community
Student sitting on a bed in her dorm room with butterfly canvas on the wall

Living on Campus

At Bridgewater, you’re not just a college student. You’re part of the BC family. It’s a tight-knit community that expects you to be there for others, to talk with—not at—one another.

Understanding that students have incredible opportunities for learning throughout their course work, our job is to help students extend that learning beyond the classroom. We work to ensure that students have every opportunity to engage in a vibrant campus experience.

Dr. Leslie Frere, Vice President of Student Life and Dean of Students
Dean of students, Leslie Frere on stage at an event pointing at the crowd
Professor gathered with students at a table

Student Resources

Going from high school to college will be one of the most exciting—and challenging–times of your life. We want you to succeed. From the moment you become part of the Bridgewater community, you’ll have access to a strong network of student services.

“As BCSA Co-Chair, I was able to make a positive shift in campus culture by connecting with groups of students on campus that typically do not get noticed. I developed professional communication skills and worked diligently to build that connection of the student experience to Student Life!”

Amere Langley ’23
Portrait of Amere Langley
Two students with B-C floppy hats smiling sitting next to each other

You belong here

We are committed to fostering a sense of belonging and cultural appreciation at Bridgewater College. Through spaces that encourage the exploration of spiritual and cultural experiences, we help students embrace a global perspective as they grow within our community.

Eagles Engage: Rising to New Heights

A Curriculum for Bridgewater College Student Life

As a student at Bridgewater College, your learning experience extends beyond the classroom and into every area of your life on campus. Whether you’re participating in community meetings with your residence hall or expanding your leadership skills, you’ll grow in so many ways through the Bridgewater experience. Through your engagement with Student Life, you’ll experience programming in the following four area and work toward achieving the following learning outcomes:

Identity logo

You’ll explore your identity as an individual, while you develop your personal values and beliefs. As you reflect on your own experiences and background, you’ll become more self aware, learn how to advocate for yourself and engage all the available resources on campus as needed.

Community logo

You’ll identify your own roles and responsibilities as a member of the College community, while practicing effective communications skills and coming to understand the impact you have on others. As your participate in community, you’ll develop a sense of ownership and pride and work to resolve conflicts by developing listening skills, empathy and the ability to engage in constructive, civil conversation.

Critical Thinking Logo

Create a foundation of life-long learning as you enhance your problem-solving skills and create action plans and strategies for making good decisions. Think about how and why you make decisions and build connections as you learn to think independently and critically about your assumptions, beliefs and actions.

Cultural Appreciation Logo

You’ll engage in dialogue through experiences that help you examine social inequality and discrimination. As you live in community, you’ll grow in understanding and appreciation of the cultural identities of others and be encouraged to discover viewpoints and perspectives that differ from your own.

Cover of Bridgewater College Student Life Annual Report 2023-2024

Student Life Annual Report

Organized by the four pillars of our Student Life Curriculum—Identity, Community, Cultural Appreciation and Critical Thinking—the 2023-24 Student Life Annual Report features some of the many ways in which we facilitate student learning outside the classroom.

Explore more about life at BC